Friday, December 17, 2010

Sphere 4 (Unfinished)

My sphere is half way done, I just need to continue fixing my shadow and blend it a little more. By next time I should be finished with it, and fix my background because I guess it moved when I rotated my shadow. The last thing I want to do is try to make it look shiny like the example and fix my edge on the left side of my sphere.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sphere 3

Today, my blog isn't allowing me to put my picture up but I need more work on my shadow. The shadow is the most difficult part right now. A technique I tried was just making a circle as my shadow, it doesn't right yet because I haven't layered it yet. My circle was a little to big too and whenever i would try cutting it done, it would lose it's shape and look deformed.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sphere 2

I think I'm making a little more progress, and by next class I should be done all I need to do is make my shadow. I think that's going to be a little more difficult but a lot of concentration. I think I should be done by next class and do a little more on the left side of the sphere.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Project!

Our new project is to work on painting a sphere but also making it's shadows. It looks easy but it really isn't because it takes a lot of concentration. To make the sphere I used the elliptical marquee tool. Then I took some color from the example sphere to color mines. I then started to color the left side of my sphere to make some shadows. That's part difficult because I'm trying to get it just right and it looks a little uneven.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Finished Haunted House

Here is my finished Haunted House. It was a little difficult trying to get everything not to look so light. I know it's not that great but I tried. I don't think it looks that haunted just dark and my dirtiest is a little too noticeable. I thought it would be easy to create a Haunted House but it wasn't that easy. My main problem was that I didn't know what to put in the Haunted House, and there was many times when I just wanted to give up and pick another house. Also, whenever I searched for anything it was hard to find what I wanted.

Haunted House 12/3/10

In class I made my house more darker because my house was still a little to light. I want to work on getting dead grass and trees. I'm thinking about picking new grass to because my grass is a little to orange. The another thing I need to do is paint my window sill because it's too gray and it looks out of place. Or I will make a drop shadow because I did that for my other window.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Haunted House 12/1/10

Here is my house, I worked on getting my house a little more dirty. I made a new layer and color it black then I made the mask black too, so I could paint get some of the black layer onto my house. It doesn't look great yet but I do have a lot more to until this is completed. I want to go back over my house because some of the it is too dirty. I also want to add a little lightening in the tornado, put some dead trees in the background, and try fixing my grass. If possible I will try coming in after school tomorrow, before lunch and after school on Friday.