Friday, December 17, 2010

Sphere 4 (Unfinished)

My sphere is half way done, I just need to continue fixing my shadow and blend it a little more. By next time I should be finished with it, and fix my background because I guess it moved when I rotated my shadow. The last thing I want to do is try to make it look shiny like the example and fix my edge on the left side of my sphere.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sphere 3

Today, my blog isn't allowing me to put my picture up but I need more work on my shadow. The shadow is the most difficult part right now. A technique I tried was just making a circle as my shadow, it doesn't right yet because I haven't layered it yet. My circle was a little to big too and whenever i would try cutting it done, it would lose it's shape and look deformed.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sphere 2

I think I'm making a little more progress, and by next class I should be done all I need to do is make my shadow. I think that's going to be a little more difficult but a lot of concentration. I think I should be done by next class and do a little more on the left side of the sphere.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Project!

Our new project is to work on painting a sphere but also making it's shadows. It looks easy but it really isn't because it takes a lot of concentration. To make the sphere I used the elliptical marquee tool. Then I took some color from the example sphere to color mines. I then started to color the left side of my sphere to make some shadows. That's part difficult because I'm trying to get it just right and it looks a little uneven.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Finished Haunted House

Here is my finished Haunted House. It was a little difficult trying to get everything not to look so light. I know it's not that great but I tried. I don't think it looks that haunted just dark and my dirtiest is a little too noticeable. I thought it would be easy to create a Haunted House but it wasn't that easy. My main problem was that I didn't know what to put in the Haunted House, and there was many times when I just wanted to give up and pick another house. Also, whenever I searched for anything it was hard to find what I wanted.

Haunted House 12/3/10

In class I made my house more darker because my house was still a little to light. I want to work on getting dead grass and trees. I'm thinking about picking new grass to because my grass is a little to orange. The another thing I need to do is paint my window sill because it's too gray and it looks out of place. Or I will make a drop shadow because I did that for my other window.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Haunted House 12/1/10

Here is my house, I worked on getting my house a little more dirty. I made a new layer and color it black then I made the mask black too, so I could paint get some of the black layer onto my house. It doesn't look great yet but I do have a lot more to until this is completed. I want to go back over my house because some of the it is too dirty. I also want to add a little lightening in the tornado, put some dead trees in the background, and try fixing my grass. If possible I will try coming in after school tomorrow, before lunch and after school on Friday.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Haunted House 11/29/10

In class, I worked one fixing the rust to my house so it wouldn't look like it was too dark or to light in its place. I also leaned my house a little on the left side because I broke the porch. I also removed the that red pole located in the middle of the house. I thinking, if I should remove that bush too.
Next class in order to finish, I want to add some lightening, fix my windows, make the grass a darker color, add some dead trees, and make my house dirty.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Haunted House 11/22/10

In class, I worked on making my house darker. I also searched Google to see if I could some great dead or dried grass fields but I didn't get too much help. Most of the grass didn't look right with my house and tornado. I think I may need to paint the windows to make them all have the same color. I'm also thinking about removing the pole that's in the middle of the house.
I don't think I need to do more with the grass now that its darker, I mean I can get more grass to cover up some of it because it's a little to orange. For my roof I just got some wholes and used the magic wand to delete the white part, then I just scale some of the holes to make it a little bigger.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Haunted House 11/18/10

Today in class, I made my house bigger because it looked all weird just smaller. I also found pieces that I could put on my roof. Now I just need to found a way how to make it look like it fits and my house was really dark. To complete the house my to-do-list is:
Fit the grass
Make my house darker
Fix the roof
Do more to house like making it look dirty or old
Make the background more darker

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haunted House cont. 11/16/10

I worked on getting some textures on my house today, using the free transform and magic wand tool. I had to use the free transform to make the textures small enough to fit the place where I want it to be on the house. Then, I used the magic wand tool to delete the white layer to the texture. After that, I made the inner shadow pixels smaller and the opacity smaller to until it look like it belongs in that spot.
To make my house bigger, I made my canvas size bigger then free transformed my background bigger so it can fit the new canvas size.
Next class I want to start working on my roof.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Broken Windows

Today in class I kept working on broken windows.
I don't have a lot of stuff done to my house because i was searching Google for textures and torn roofs but I didn't find a lot of stuff that would look right. It didn't give me many options and the website you preferred wasn't a lot of help either. I was wondering if there's anymore websites you can prefer, or do you know what I should search under Google. (And I choose the tornado as my background.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

haunted House (cont.) 11/10/10

Here is my house so far:

I made an account on and was looking through it to see the different textures and windows. I also searched broken windows on google and found some nice ones. i 'm working on the windows for now and trying to find a way to make them blend with the house instead of making them look out of place. That's why I haven't started with the textures yet.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Haunted House

In class, I worked on my haunted house. I have a minor problem though because I don't know which photo to use as my background. Here are both of them:

Honestly I like the first one better because of the tornado; the problem is, it's covering up the tornado. The other one also has a cool background but the house doesn't look right there, to me. Next time I'm going to start working on the windows and building. Also i don't know which background to choose but I'm pretty sure i'm going to choose the one with the tornado.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Spider-Doo/Haunted House

I was working on the mask again to day and there was an issue. Whenever I would duplicate a piece and rotate it, it would start getting fuzzy. I don't know how to make it non-fuzzy, so I decided to work on my Haunted House.
Here are some photos I looked up and deciding if I should use them as my background,

I like this one because it's amazing and had a lot of space. The only problem would be the fences and i will have to make it look a little more spooky.

I decided I wanted some lightening and a tornado in the background and this just caught my eye. It's an amazing photo and my favorite. 

This photo is also a good photo but it is a little small, the only problem is the pretty green grass.
Here's my house, I finished cutting out the sky and I'm going to start working on painting the area where I cut out the car because most of the house is missing. It's going to be a little difficult but I'll see what I can do.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spider-Doo Mask/ Finished Dog

This is the mask for Spider-Doo, I'm working on filling in the gaps the eyes left when I removed them. I used the Polygonal Tool to trace around the eyes and to move them to the side I used the move tool. I began to trace a part of Spider-Man's mask to fill in the center where his nose is at; I used the Polygonal Tool again to trace around it. After that, I went to Edit-Transform-Rotate to rotate the piece around in order to fit it in. Next class I will continue to do that and decide if I want to keep Spidey's eyes or not.

Here is my finished Dog, the hardest part was the tree. I did my best trying to blend it in but it was very difficult. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Spider-Doo (cont.)

Right now I'm working on cutting out Spider-Man's mask using the polygonal lasso tool.

Here is my Spider-Doo, I made a new layer with Scooby-Doo's face on it and painted the darkest red I found on Spider-Man. I then added it to my spider man but I do not know how to blend the new Scooby-Doo mask to make it look like his face is really red.
I know this is the wrong way to paint it but I didn't figure out how to paint it until the next class.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Spider-Doo 1

Here's my next project:
I picked a spider-man and scooby-doo photo and took the head of scooby-doo to fit the size of spider-man's head. I was absent the day everyone started this project so that may be why I'm a little behind everyone. This is a complex project and its going to take alot of effort and work; I'll try my best.

I posted them on GoogleDocs and I don't know how to get the photos onto my blog. I ended up erasing one of my photos and wasn't able to get it back. (I didn't save it in a folder or on the camera, I'm real smart.) I was going to try to see if I can borrow someone's camera and take different pictures (and save them in a folder) and post it on my blog this weekend.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Finished Zebraceros

Here is my finished Zebraceros. I know its not great because the legs and head look really weird and unreal. i like the back legs the most. The tool I used for the legs was liquify then I used the forward warp tool to make the zebra fit the rhinoceros size. The easy part was  to copy the horns and then paste it in a new layer than color it a grayish-black color to match the zebra.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today I finished cutting out the sky for the statue of liberty, I was absent the day everyone else finished. Here it is:

Next class I will be working on finishing my zebraceros and I will start on my haunted house. I would start by cutting out the trees and branches using the polygonal lasso tool. Here's a picture of the house with which I will make into a spooky, haunted house: Image size is 800 by 533 pixels

Monday, October 4, 2010

Liquify Zebra

Today i used the liquify tool. I used the forward wart tool to spread the zebra out to fit the rhinoceros. I'm working on making the feet look perfect but finishing the rest of the zebra. Next time, I will continue to work with the liquifying tools.

Cut Out Zebra

This class we had to copy and paste a picture of both a zebra and rhinoceros. We then had to put the zebra picture as layer one so we can cut out its surroundings. I used the Polygonal Lasso tool to cut close the edges pf the zebra. I used the Rectangular Marquee tool to cut out the edges of the picture. Next class I'm going to work on making the zebra transparent and fitting the rhinoceros body.

Statue of Liberty

Today in class we worked on getting rid of the sky for the Statue of Liberty. I started with marquee button to crop all the edges from the picture. Then I used the Polygonal Lasso tool to get the edges corrected. I will continue next class, and there will be no more sky.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1st Blog

This is my first blog

Today in class, I worked on getting rid of the shadows on the ground. I blended right after I finished and was impress because I'm starting to get the hang of blending.It may not be perfect but it's not really noticeable either. During the next class period I will be working on removing the pole.